Obesity causes 35 diseases! Respiratory, nervous, and circulatory systems are all under Pressure
The number on the scale is a barometer of many people’s daily mood; it not only affects people’s emotions but also determines their health.
A meta-study published recently in the journal Biomedical Centre-Pharmaceuticals in the UK found that excess obesity is associated with an increased risk of 35 diseases.
Obesity causes 35 diseases
A meta-study of 56 chronic diseases published in the journal Biomedical Center-Medicine found:
Obesity and type 2 diabetes, 14 circulatory diseases, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 5 digestive diseases, 3 musculoskeletal diseases, multiple sclerosis, and 6 digestive system cancers, uterine cancer, kidney cancer associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer for a total of 35 diseases.
Genetically predicted high BMI [body mass index, BMI=weight in kilograms/height squared in meters] was associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes; higher BMI in adulthood was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
Circulatory system disease
The risk of aortic stenosis was most strongly associated with high BMI, followed by heart failure and hypertension.
Obesity can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease by increasing fasting blood sugar, triglyceride levels, and promoting systemic inflammation, the researchers said.
Respiratory diseases
The study found that the mortality of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was related to BMI.
Digestive system diseases
A higher BMI increases the risk of several diseases, including gallstones, gastroesophageal reflux, Crohn’s disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Of these, the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease had the strongest association.
Musculoskeletal disorders
Risks of gout, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis were associated with higher BMI.
Nervous system disease
The risk of multiple sclerosis also increased with increasing BMI, but no association was found between Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and BMI.
Higher BMI is associated with cancers of the digestive system (including esophageal, gastric, colorectal, pancreatic, liver, and gallbladder/biliary tract cancers), uterine cancer (including endometrial, cervical), ovarian, kidney, It was associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer, but was associated with a reduced risk of breast and prostate cancer.
The researchers say that the association of excess obesity with chronic disease cannot be ignored, and from now on, a sustained reduction in the prevalence of overweight/obesity should be a major public health goal.
Obesity can be divided into 4 grades
If the human body is compared to a heavy truck, the danger of being overweight is the same as overloading a truck. The more overweight, the more serious the damage and the shorter the service life.
For example, when a truck with a nuclear load of 5 tons is overloaded by 3 to 5 tons, it seems to still be able to drive normally, but in fact it has done great damage; if it is overloaded by 10 tons, the truck may face the risk of being scrapped at any time.
To scientifically prevent and control obesity, you can refer to the following weight management models. The normal range for BMI is 18.5 to 23.9, 24 to 27.9 for overweight, and over 28 for obesity.
Phase 0
Overweight without associated disease or its pre-existing conditions (eg, hyperuricemia, prediabetes, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver).
Being overweight is a health warning line, and it is necessary to conduct lifestyle interventions promptly, such as changing habits such as overeating and drinking, always eating late-night snacks, and eating too much oil and too salty, and at the same time increasing the amount of exercise.
Phase 1
Overweight, with associated pre-morbidity; or obesity, without or with associated pre-morbidity.
At this stage, professional doctors are required to intervene, prescribing exercise prescriptions, formulating diet plans, etc., and patients need to strictly implement lifestyle interventions.
Phase 2
Overweight or obese with associated mild to moderate disease.
In this stage, in addition to the treatment of diseases and strict implementation of lifestyle interventions, scientific weight loss is also required. Weight loss drugs can be used under the guidance of doctors, or small weight loss surgery can be performed.
Phase 3
Obesity with associated severe disease.
This stage will seriously threaten health or longevity. If the weight does not improve within 3 to 6 months based on strict implementation of lifestyle intervention and weight loss drug treatment, weight loss surgery may be required.
Weight loss advice for obese people
How to avoid weight loss mistakes and manage weight scientifically and effectively? Experts from various countries have given specific suggestions.
Prioritize cardio
The European Society for the Study of Obesity recommends a detailed exercise training regimen, and the following are exercise recommendations summarized by multidisciplinary experts from institutions including the Sorbonne University in France, Maastricht University in the Netherlands, Padova University in Italy, and the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom.
It is recommended to prioritize 150-200 minutes of at least moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, or high-intensity interval training (need to assess cardiovascular risk).
Aerobic exercise and high-intensity interval training have similar weight-loss and fat-loss effects in overweight or obese individuals, as long as the energy expended are similar. Using these two methods, the average weight loss is expected to be around 2 to 3 kg.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) raises your heart rate and burns more calories in a short amount of time. In layman’s terms, it is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise that is interspersed with low-intensity exercise or a short rest between high-intensity exercise.
For example, the alternation of running 100 meters fast and jogging 100 meters, but paying attention step by step, gradually adapting to the training, and then appropriately adding more training movements until all training is completed.
To maintain the weight after weight loss, it is recommended to do 200-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week.
Control fat intake
It is recommended that obese people choose olive oil and tea oil for cooking, and control it at 20-25 grams per day.
When going out to eat, choose light dishes, try not to order dishes with a lot of oil, such as boiled fish and fresh food; get rid of the habit of overeating, and eat fewer snacks with a lot of “oil”, such as shortbread bread, puffs Wait.
Protect the Achilles tendon
Big data shows that because of their heavier weight, the Achilles tendon bears a higher force on the Achilles tendon during exercise than the general population and is more prone to injury.
Fully warm up before exercise, avoid vigorous and fatiguing exercise, and exercise more muscles, all of which will help prevent Achilles tendon injury.
Finally, for obese people, the World Health Organization’s recommendation is: “even speed” to lose weight.
Don’t worry, lose 0.5-1 kg per week and 1-3 kg per month. This method does little damage to the body and is not easy to rebound.